(678) 390-8326
Providing Online Solutions For Your Business!
Copyright 2020 Wasomi Solutions, LLC All Rights Reserved
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How did you hear about Wasomi Solutions, LLC?
What are the top three areas that you believe Wasomi Solutions, LLC can be of service to you or your organization?
How can Wasomi Solutions, LLC best benefit you and your organization most?
Do you have any specific goals currently set for yourself or organization? If yes, what are they?
If no, what goals do you plan to set in place? (Please be as descriptive as possible)
Have you had previous contact with Wasomi Solutions, LLC?
If yes, in what capacity? How was the experience for you?
Please provide Wasomi Solutions, LLC with background and pertinent information as it relates to your organization that will allow us to effectively assistant you. Wasomi Solutions, LLC will not share this information.
Initial Here:
Please note that Wasomi Solutions, LLC reserves the right to record all phone and video calls that
are conducted. Wasomi Solutions, LLC also reserves the right to share your contact data (only) with
third-party service providers.
Wasomi Solutions, LLC
Current Services & Prices
Wasomi Solutions, LLC offers a variety of digital, marketing, and business solutions for individuals and organizations. Due to the unique nature of each client project, pricing is specially tailored to fit specific project needs.

Initial Consultation: There is a $75 initial consulting fee – up to one hour. The initial consultation may take place virtually.

Note: The Client Assessment Form must be completed before the initial consultation takes place.
Initial Here:
Once payments are made, they are non-refundable.
Wasomi Solutions, LLC offers a profit-sharing program.
Would you or your organization be interested in participating?
If you’re interested in participating in the profit-sharing program of Wasomi Solutions, LLC, please inquire with your representative during the initial consultation.